Sunday, March 05, 2006

Bogs vs Blogs

Alas, yesterday I entered the Land Of Blog... I can't say it did much for my ego. Not that I have an ego problem, just, I'm not sure if I have an ego left at all now. First I wasn't sure if I even wanted a blog or what I would do with one if I had it. Then after what probably was hours, but also seemed like it, I finally managed to get the blogger to hold still long enough for me to put my information in. Then to my dismay it swallowed the first batch of info whole, like a small tasty after dinner mint and spit out an empty blog... or post... or something. Not sure what it was supposed to be , but it was definitely empty!

I am nothing , if not patient, (and a brute for punishment I'll admit that). So, not to be thwarted, I tried again. I have a rather large website that I maintain (and having built the first version with one of those user-friendly "websites for idots" programs) I was reasonably confident I could put the link through to my site. bing-bong!! WRONG!

There are not words to descibe the level of frustration I reached before wiping out everything and hitting the "simple" button. I think it was the "error1432kjk23h4h61;34h;000-2" messages I kept getting and the fact it kept giving me choices that my now blood shot eyes couldn't tell apart. One button seemed to be saying to me "republish your blog" while the other button clearly said "republish your entire blog". (Ok, which part was I going to republish? Did I want to republish any of it? How was that button going to decide which part I wanted published? Did it matter?) Brain cramp and all I decided I really didn't care at this point and closed my eyes and hit a button. Nothing seemed to have happened so I pressed the other button. Through some miracle of science I was looking at my blog!

Moose Bog Blog. Clearly I remember choosing that catchy name. But exactly what I had in mind writing after that I had no idea and so sat staring again, wondering what am I doing here. I am afraid to tell you what I did next. My wandering eyes and pea brain crashed into each other and I realized there were links over there. That was supposed to be my, what was it now? That thingie that tells people I'm old and where I live... What could "Norway" possibly be linked to? I clicked on it and to my amazement it was a list of other people who live in Norway, Maine, some of whom were smart enough not to use their real names! (maybe I should have thought of that!) Some were smart enough to wear hats and look the other way. (not an option, I don't own a hat).

There were no instructions in this new found Neverland I had discovered... when I clicked on one of the pictures out of blatant curiosity, somehow another whole page came up and every time I clicked on something, you guessed it, another whole page came up. At this point I don't know where I was but there was an interesting looking old geezer in a boat on the last page and I tried to get back to see what he was doing there. Do you know I never saw him again. So much for ships crossing in the night!

I plunged head first into the sea of pages, through Norway, photography, moose, Maine, and never made it to "new horizons" before, exhausted, I gave up and tried to find my way "home". (yeah, I know ... there's probably a button somewhere that says "home", right? Is was more fun my way. Suddenly and mysteriously I popped up again on my home page. I learned many things this night.

Maybe I was dumb enough to use my real name, but thank God I didn't put down the year I was born. Do you know that place out there is FULL of 16-19 year old kids? The old geezer in the boat is probably all of 57, and really was kind of cute. I mean, in an old geezer sort of way! And it seemed odd to me. Do you know how many teenagers like moose? Moose and cats. Almost every one of them wrote: moose, cats. Curious and curious-er. (reminds me of my youth and that tv show with moose-cat-teers.) And somewhere out there (I do think she's in the USA) there's a person who claims to be 102 year old.. I remember she likes rock n' roll (classic), blues, and some jazz... I could have written that!! ( the music, the music! I am NOT 102) She wrote "nature in general" and I seem to remember "photography" and.... what was it we, I mean "they," were all into in the 70's? NO, not pot!!! What is that long word.. existentialism? If she really is 102, she's one cool old gal. I seldom run into anyone over 35 in my travels, and was genuinely interested in talking to her but there was no contact information. None what so ever. She's probably a LOT smarter than I am. Probably how she made it to 102...

So, unlike the sad 16 year old girl out there who had too much homework and whose summmer was boring, I have emerged from the Land of Blog with a sense of awe... It's definitely different here, but I've staked my claim and I'm sticking to it!

I've found my new horizons...

P.S. Someday I may get back to my original story, but don't count on it. Altzheimers runs in our family and I am 63 and aging rapidly... my three youngest grandsons are here (2, 6, & 7) My brain may never pass this way again, if I survive tonight!!! I am shaking pickling salt out of my keyboard (I did it myself, don't ask!) in between typing spurts if that tells you how my day is going. I told a friend, in an email, this morning....

This is turning into a "this is it...It's all a downhill slide from here baby!" kind of day... LOL!!!!

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