Monday, March 06, 2006

Come to ME & See Moose...

Moose Tours are many things to many people. For one young mother and her five year old son, it was a morning's adventure, their first moose, and some quality time alone (daddy stayed home with the 8 month old baby sister). This day I thought was going to be my first time being skunked while driving a tour. I told her "I never give up until we are back in town" and assured her there were a few more "holes" to pass on our way back. Within minutes they were staring with wide-eyed wonder at their first moose, a magnificient bull with a huge rack. He was standing in a small boggy area, (let me get this right...) rear end to the road less than 20 feet from us when I stopped. He turned and looked at them while I reminded her "take a picture!" She had totally forgotten the camera in her hand and fumbled with it momentarily. The moose took time to put his head down for another drink. Lifting his regal dome again, he looked back over his shoulder, right into her eyes, posing for a quick snapshot before walking into the brush! For me, the moose tours are pure joy. I love what I am doing and feel privileged to be able to share these wonderful experiences with people.

For one man not only seeing his first moose but being able to sit, however briefly, and stare into her eyes meant more than I realized. As we drove away his wife said, "you must be happy, you've had your life long dream come true!" The long, slow sigh he released and the dreamy look in his eyes as he whispered "I certainly have!" almost brought a tear to my eye.. And his wife and children were there to share his treasured moment. The fulfillment of my dream to own a moose tour business seems to have turned into fulfillment of another's dream as well.

I am genuinely moved by some of the things that happen while we are on tour. Ours is a small operation. Many trips are just two or three people. A middle age couple on their honeymoon. And elderly couple and their dog. A lady who thought moose were ficticious animals until she saw three and had pictures to prove it. Sometimes my van is full. Six adults... friends on an adventure. Parents with three or four children along. Sometimes the little ones are bored at first, or an occasional teen starts out seemingly bored...and I tell them stories. Their favorite story hands down ( it's true, I tell you) is about the night I chased a bear up a tree in the dark, and stood at the base of the tree scolding him for tearing up my trash. (I wasn't drunk or insane. I really thought it was a raccoon... and it WAS very dark. The tracks the next day told the story however.)

So many trips the car just rocks with laughter as we ride and talk like old friends, and especially when we're stopped and they test their skill at moose calling. On the flip side, not everyone sees a moose. Sometimes we get skunked. One man though forgot his glasses and (he was near sighted) so while everyone else in the car was excited about the five moose we saw, he kept saying, "where are they? I can't see them" Sad but true.

Before I close I want to tell you: (1) young or old, in "ones or in bunches" every one of them was absolutely thrilled when they saw that "first moose." That's my specialty! AND (2) If you go moose looking, for Heaven's sake, please bring your glasses!!!

(yeah, I'm laughing!)

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