Wednesday, March 08, 2006

New Horizons - The Moose Jumped Over The Moon!

I guess this is a case of putting the cart before the horse, or
more appropriately... the moose before the moon!

Some people lead "normal lives". I 'm sure lots of them do. Not me. For some reason, try as I might, I have never quite made it to the "normal life" status. Someone should have known (my parents most likely) I was in trouble from the beginning. Shoes were something to wear when you went to school or church. Mostly I was outside, preferably in the woods, and barefoot. And although I did all the right things as a teenager; shortened my skirts to right below the knees: wore saddle shoes and full ruffled petticoats (what did we call those things? Stiff slips... who remembers? Kids now-a-days probably say "what's a slip?") I wore my hair in a bun, a page boy, or a pony tail. I still preferred sitting outside at night watching meteor showers, or a flock of geese flying high overhead on a moonlit night, (their plaintive honking stirred my blood). I preferred wildflowers to roses or orchids, the smell of fresh mown hay or daffodils to perfume, anything outside to anything inside! While other young girls read "Little Women" I read "Jungle Book". While my teenage friends read romance novels, I did too... I read "I Married Adventure" by Osa Johnson. (She and her husband explored Africa and then traveled around the US, showing slides and talking about their adventures.) So while my teen friends were thrilled with romantic movies, or swooned over movie stars, I dreamed about places with exotic names like Mozambique, and tried to imagine giant Baobab trees. I loved reading about Leeky, and then Goodall and Fossi. More recently read books like Treadwell's "Among Grizzlies". I'm just a nature loving gal.

All of this to say, I've always been "out there" in one way or another, and what with my obsession with moose it's no wonder my mind has now gone off in an unpredictable direction. Where else would a fanciful creature go on a dreamlike adventure? And all of this was really without trying. While drawing & designing different things to make for my shop I came up with "The Moose Jumped Over The Moon" complete with a verse to match of course. I recently had posters made and am trying to get the design on other items as well. Have some of these little t's on ebay (I had "creepers" on the auction too, but I think they've gone off now. I will be putting them in my ebay store.) I just wanted to get these out there for all to see!
It's been another long day, the sun's gone down over the bog, and this old moose is going to crash for the night!


Sarah said...

Thanks for leaving a nice comment on my page! Your blog looks great. I hope you'll add to it soon!

BrownMoose said...

Thanks for the nice feedback!